google toolbar, and the show

Well hello there! it is quite a nice early morning here, how are you? that is nice. (i have no idea if it is or not actually… i can’t hear you, in case you didn’t notice, but feel free to leave a comment on how you are!)

anyway. today, not much has happened interesting except for my whole would of google using. it is like crazy yo! you don’t know what i am talking about? the bar man, the BAR. i don’t know what it is, or how to use it… but it is there now. WATCHING. like my name is in the top corner just sitting there, and then there is that gear which i assume is options but it doesn’t seem all that use full… well i guess now there is always that button there, so i know where to look if i want an option. also it seems to be some what context sensitive, like in gmail it gives gmail options. then the left side has the stuff that was always on the left side… but different looking.
that is new.
what else.
well to be honest i haven’t been feeling great lately (you may notice a trend in frequency in posts and how my mood is… it is more than correlation trust me.) and i felt like taking a nostalgia trip, to for those in the know, ze frank is awesome. for those not in the know, you are all idiots, and should educate yourselves by looking at some of the videos and such he has posted.
i, like many of the people who call themselves sports racers, began to follow ze while he was running the show with ze frank, a show which ran for 1 year, every weekday. it began as mostly a commentary about government news and such but quickly became so much more than that. it is really something you would have to see, words do not suffice. however, it would be accurate to say it was personal and genuine. there are allot of ‘favorite episodes’ and i would suggest checking some out. but be warned you’ll probably be all like "the hell…?" i know my siblings were.
but anyway. there are many projects that he organized, using his massive fan base he was able to accomplish these things, like make hundreds of remixes of the song "im gunna whip somebodies ass" for Ray, and making an ‘earth sandwich’
these things not only are incredibility awesome on their own, but in this kind of setting created a feeling of one-ness few if any other websites or social group has ever been able to achieve.
this past week looking back at different things i ran across a set of songs that i hadn’t noticed before/ weren’t there last time i was there. that would be the Great song, the Scared song, and the chill-out song. the first and last in this group i found especially moving. i would highly recommend giving them a listen. because, ya. they are good.
the last one on the list i heard first on his TED talk which i would sugest doing because he does a very good job describing the intentions behind what was going on. the page does an ok job, but the talk really had emotion to it.
anyway. it made me feel good. that is really what i am getting at here. i know. it is alot of words to say that i heard this song and now i feel better, but is like ze said, we are all tring to feel and be felt, and there is no way that can happen without background. with that background you gain an understanding that is otherwise imposible and so you connect in a way you didn’t think you could. it happens because of understanding. anyway. that is about it for today


ps. chome 10 beta… it is fast.

~ by Robopanda333 on February 18, 2011.

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