FFR is new and stuff

well i have a story to convey… it was along time ago, and in retrospect it was probably a far smaller deal than it blew-up into. I’ve been a member at FFR for quite a long time now, and a frequent about a year before i actually signed up. i find the game simply amazing. it is fun and addictive. well over the years i continued to play the game faithfully and progressed in my power a it went along (i realized this week that after not playing in a month, my fingers have atrophied… and now i suck, but i digress.) about a year and a half ago i had a brilliant idea. why not make a program that can play FFR, it would be a pretty sweet project. im not sure what spured the idea but i do know i had it… well i was doing reasearch on the subject, trying to develop a model for how the program would work. the original idea was always to play the game the same we do, looking at the screen and pushing the key at the right time. but some how… im not sure how or why, i found where the song levels were stored (i think i ripped apart the, then a.swf (now ffranotherway.swf). after a little poking i found that inside the level files (which are swfs) there is an array that has a frame and letter (now-days they also got a color) so i went the easy route, use the array and just push the right dirrection on the right frame. it was pretty good, if you started it right. now about this time we (me and death who was also helping, (probably more than me…)) were testing the app and getting VERY high scores… i mean AAA ing songs that are pretty impossible. “nitrocorp” started to show up on the top ten lists alot, and people just thought that i was an up and coming awesome player. well, then i flubbed. apparently no one has has gotten a FC on Molto (malto, hellifiknow) vivace or something, and i did. well it was a FULL COMBO… it was just in order to get the horrible jacks in the song i started it early. so it was like 100-6000-20 as any leet player will tell you that in order to do this you need HELLA good PA and bee off… the whole song, sorta like a script starting early (imagine that…). well i got called out. it was pretty cool. i combated the system in heated debate, and lost. at least they found that i wasn’t hacking the site or something, because i was doing whatever it was in real time. apparently my project caught the eye of SYNTHLIGHT HIM SELF. it was pretty cool. we chated about it for a few hours, and i told him everything i knew and he said he would take action on the important problems.

immediately following this they implemented the new ffranotherway.swf. this swf was able to do voodoo magic because of pacts with the devil. upon opening it a random series of null ifs was all that was in the action script… i was for several months considering breaking what ever magic they were using but dismissed the idea as a hopeless endeavor.

work continued on FFRBOT, now it doesn’t use the array at all, only screen detection. it works *okay* i can outpreform it (could before… ) most of the time as i can get a higher combo, but it does consistently have an AWESOME PA (when it decides to hit the arrows… (damn those colored arrows…).

so why bring this stuff up atall… is it because my history is so amusing? probably not. the reason is this. FFR just updated like a week ago. and when they compiled it they forgot to import VOODOO.php so now i have ffranotherway.fla , and i have my very own version of the ffr database as well as almost all the songs on a server. i plan to reconstruct it on my site. ill put another post when it is workable… ish.

well that’s all for now.


~ by Robopanda333 on April 24, 2008.

One Response to “FFR is new and stuff”

  1. This Flash Flash Revolution thing really seems to have taken off lately. I have been noticing its popularity just by looking at my search query stats.

    A few months ago, I published an FFR-related article on my blog that has attracted a surprising amount of traffic from Google. The funny part is that when I clicked through to see where my article was ranked, it was only showing up at #16 in Google, yet I was getting around 20-40 hits per day just to that one page.

    About two weeks ago, Google apparently dropped the page into their supplemental index and I am no longer receiving traffic to it (with the exception of a few hits from Yahoo and MSN), but it might be interesting to see how many hits I can bring in if I actually get some backlinks to the page and bring it back up in the rankings.

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